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Registrácia: 6624. kolo    Posledný vstup: 7226. kolo    Peniaze: 12 840 Zlatá kosť
Svorka: Ebnevelde Kennel Club   

Psíkovia (110)

Priatelia užívatela

Úvodný text(na predstavenie sa)


A nevünk Klau (Klaudia) és Lili (Roxie).
Sok-sok év után 2021-ben úgy döntöttünk, hogy újraindítjuk az Olympic C. Kennelt. Ezt a felhasználót azért hoztuk létre, hogy ide gyűjtsük a tenyésztésbe idővel bevont 0.generációs kutyákat.


B O R D E R  C O L L I E

- Wheels of Fortune
- Critical Hit
- Volume Up
- Heroes of the Storm
- Speak Like You Talk
- Le Prologue
- Omitted for Clarity
- Simple Boy
- All I Know
- Alpha Omega

- This Is How It Goes
- Try Honesty
- Standing in the Rain
- Prisoners of Today
- Voices of Violence
- Worker Bees
- Fallen Leaves

- War Within a Breath
- Player Hater
- Tell Her No
- Flaming Sword
- Uncommon Grace
- Runaway Romance
- Sounds Of Future
- We Start Wars
- Cello Metal
- Paranormal Evening

- Power Drunk
- Controlled Chaos
- New Normal
- Mystic Technocracy
- The Age of Entropy
- Kaffir Lily Plant
- City of Champions
- Incest as a Legacy
- Fake History
- Sound Awake

- New Day
- Set Fire to the Hive
- Medicine Wears Off
- Caudal Lure
- Sky Machine
- Last Few
- River Below
- Cut the Curtains
- Nothing to Lose




S H E T L A N D I  J U H Á S Z K U T Y A



G O L D E N  R E T R I E V E R

- No Chaser
- Watch Netflix
- Our Song
- Hey Stephen
- You Belong with Me
- The Way I Loved You
- Jump Then Fall
- Supersta
- Hard Feelings
- Erase the Pain

- Fragile Bones
- Sick of the Attitude
- Seamless Ending
- Bury It
- Consume the Fire
- Ramming Speed
- Speed Force
- Metal Thunder
- Triumph of Reason
- Iron Mountain

- Fusion Reactor
- Boychick
- Avatars Offline
- Maximum Velocity
- Phantom Force
- Goalkeepers
- Blushing Bromeliad
- Running Wild
- Enchanted Christmas
- Hyper Fusion

- Sonic Boom
- Full On
- Sour Apple
- Ready To Go
- That Fear Fever
- 27 Club
- A Weak Ago

- People Like Us
- Like a Drug
- Place in This World
- Stay Beautiful
- The Best Day
- Untouchable
- Let Down
- Ways to Disappear
- Shed My Skin
- Die Down

- Your Misery
- Semperflorens
- Visions of Victory
- Right to Rock
- Lost Cause
- Frame of Mind
- Woman Reported
- Be Friends
- Ghost Image
- Beach Spider Lily

- Bottom Feeders
- Born to Race
- Summer Forever
- Pretty Illusion
- Love Me Not
- Kinda Hot
- Happy Place
- Bright Side
- Dope Beat
- Priest and Used Cars

- Pheromone Cvlt
- Love Myself
- Nü Romantics
- Good Mourning
- Who You Are Not
- Foreign Cab Rides
- Reluctantly Dead
- Offensive Song
- Copper Colored Quiet
- Fear of the Sky

- Sewn and Silent